September 2013 - Wedding 101 and Do It Yourself Wedding Planning

Monday, September 30, 2013

How to stay calm on your wedding planning (100 days to go)
So last year we hit 100 days before.

It was a great mark for both of us because when fiance was in school, they had this event of 100night count before graduation. So hitting 100, we were like! Oh my!

 Now I undestand gasp! Attacks!

But I decided to stay calm on all this.

And here are my tips:

1. Take a deep breath. Remember and count what the wedding is for. Its about your union. and not about the event. We should never please the people, but please the Lord.

   It worked pretty much because as I informed Paul, we exchanged Iloveyou's and taaadaaa! We are back
to a great posture of poise and beauty in the midst of this planning.


God is the provider of everything that we need. He sustains us. Blesses us.

And he wrote this love story that you have. He gave everything. Now, why would he let you stumble in just the remaining 100 days. At most you should be happier. The best day of your life is getting in closer. And its going to be great.

When we think that we are the one who will solve the problem it isn't gonna work.
As for us, we were already realistic with the wedding expenses but something happened that we both cannot do anything. Because of work, fiance has no access to any banks in his area. No way to send me some money. When I was thinking I can do this on my own, I fell apart. It was difficult. I felt deprived.

Then I was moved by the holy spirit to trust in God more. Let him take over this.
And then miracle after miracle happens. I was provided. I get what I needed and even with extra for myself. :)

3. Take a Breather
      Believe it or not, I took 2 weeks off the planning. :) yup!
      I've heard from a young pastor and church-mate named Elijahmar that there are 2 types of being tired: Emotionally/Spiritually and Physically. So let me say this, wedding planning has been great. I loved every part of it and even thinking of having it as a back up profession, but it is tiring too and taking a rest was cool. Now, I'm back and I'm on a roll.

4. When Ready, re-establish

        So after the breather, we can check a look back on our time frame. And see what needs to be done, whats the delay, the cause of delay and illiminate.

        As a future wife, part of this too is getting ready for submission. And there are things on decision making that I like coming from Paul. I respect him and his thoughts counts. :)

5. Ask Help

Now now... who ever said you can have and do it all is a lier. A helping hand is a helping hand.

   Biblically speaking from and the lies women believe, God has designed us for a purpose and once we accept that, just then do we feel most contented. You can check out (Lies women belief and the truth that sets them free from the link to know more)

Anyway, going back to the help. I have several people who are helping me. And though I may be working on all this directly, the help I get from family and friends are very much appreciated.

So there it is Brides... KEEP CALM! It's going to be a great day.
A Wedding in Pasay

So some of my friends (former housemates and thier family) borrowed my camera to attend a wedding and here are some of the photos which I'd like to share.

Church:  One of the Churches in Pasay

The couple: The Bride is the relative of my friends who grew up in Bulacan.

Cool stuff about this wedding: 
  • Light pink Color theme
  • Gold wear for the moms
  • Hot Read Bouquet for the Bride
  • STARBUCKS DRINKS at the reception. Really cool stuff guys. :)
So here are the photos. Enjoy!



My friend, Ate Jo and her niece enjoying their Starbucks drinks. :)

DC and CJ's Wedding

Church: Lipa AirBase, Batangas

So here's my sideline photos taken by me and my very own soon to be husband. 
This was actually more or less 2-3 years ago. A late post yes, but a wedding is a wedding. And its never to late to share. Also, if you are looking at the church, it still looks a bit the same from today. no photos for the facade sorry.

At the end of this photo stream you will see some of our group shots too. :)

The couple: I met the bride, CJ from Glaiza and Tomeng's wedding. She came all the way from Davao at that time. She was very nice and though I don't usually connect with other people that easily, I did with her. She just seems so genuine. Anyway fast forward a couple of months and I visited Davao for about 2 days. (1 lang actually) for a date. haha. yes, the hardship I'll go for. My flight will be on the next day and she was genuine enough to adopt me for the night. :) The groom is this really funny guy whom even at his own wedding was making jokes and making people laugh. They are special. We made sure we can really attend their big day. :)

The Bride

The Dress

Fiance, me, Glaiza and Nhylyn

Ready in 1, 2,3
Ready in 1, 2,3
Ready in 1, 2,3

And finally the long kiss before the draw swords. :)

So this is me and my now-fiance, playing around the camera.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

I miss Boracay


BOHOL Philippines, Tarsiers

Bohol Philippines is the home of the Philippine Tarsiers.

They are this cute little monkeys with long tails and big eyes. I actually have an toy-size c/o Van antos.

According to Wikipediea - "Fossils of tarsiiform primates are found in Asia, Europe, and North America, with disputed fossils from Africa, but extant tarsiers are restricted to several Southeast Asian islands, including the PhilippinesSulawesiBorneo, and Sumatra. The fossil record indicates their dentition has not changed much, except in size, in the past 45 million years."

On the way to the Sactuary, it even gets exciting as you can see a few chocolate hills on the road. Which is another Ecological site gifted to Bohol. (I'll post another entry for that)

When we got in, it was a bit raining so we we're just able to see a few of them. Around 9 but there are more than 700 in the area. (Cool!)

*Taking photos with flash is prohibited as this stresses them out.
*I also found being quiet helps because they seem to be a bit shy. :) And they hide or scrimp to their knees when your noisy.

So here's my hide and seek experience looking for the tarsiers in Bohol.

Hope you try and visit them too.
           Entrance is at 50 pesos and about 35 pesos for students.

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