December 2018 - Wedding 101 and Do It Yourself Wedding Planning

Monday, December 17, 2018

5 Things to Consider immediately after getting engaged
So you said Yes. 


Being beautiful on your Big day also takes effort and though you might be months or even a couple of years on that wedding day here are things to start ASAP.

     Skin Care takes time and patience. So depending on your skin type whether you only need to add weekly home face masks or going to the derma for more needed pampering or treatments then the time is now.During my own preparation I had fraxel for acne marks and it was also worth it to have underarm hair permanent hair removal.


And just like that fitness goes hand in hand. It may be easy to cut down on food in take but I literally don’t agree with than unless maybe you really do have such unhealthy diet well you could just start having better choices. Now that that is clear you can go ahead and set a schedule for exercise or some physical activities like sport or dance.  

If you do have the budget go ahead and enroll yourself in a gym or a fitness class whatever seems most suitable for you. Otherwise I also believe that fitness is available for anyone who is determined so you could just do some runs, yoga stretches in the morning. It doesn't need to be all so strict if you have a lot of time and its more important to add this to your system rather than a one time thing. There are tons of apps on your phone that you can download and much more videos online that you can try.

      3. YOUR ASSETS

     Getting Married into your dream wedding takes in cash. You may need to evaluate how muc you have and how much you want to share with your partnet. You may also consider options on how to increase your income for the big day.


Its possible that you and your fiancé has a different religion from one another and if so this might be worth talking about.

Getting married takes adjustment. And if your career is your priority at this point you might as well do some adjustments and consider the possibility of your plans once you become a family. Your location and job or business orientation should also be considered unless this in not applicable to your current situation. Whatever season you are in I do hope that you  choose to maximize until the big day comes. Go for the promotion, Finish further studies or travel goals perhaps?

All in all it boils down to getting ready before your big day. A 101% ready and whole when you walk down the aisle.

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