The Filipino Tradition of Pamanhikan - Wedding 101 and Do It Yourself Wedding Planning

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Filipino Tradition of Pamanhikan

The Filipino Tradition of Pamanhikan or Pamamanhikan

Filipino Wedding Planning

Boy meets girl and Girl meets boy. They fell inlove, got engaged and get their families together. In the Philippines though, this is more than a meet up. But a man standing up to his future bride's family asking them her hand in marriage. And both sides giving high respect and importance to what their elders specially their parents would say. That ladies and gentlemen is pamanhikan. 

Pamanmanhikan or Pamanhikan defined by wikipilipinas:

  • a Filipino ritual
  • The word pamamanhikan was derived form the word, panik (which means to ascend or to climb a house’s flight of stairs)
  • permission to wed the affianced pair
  • seeks their blessing and approval before getting married.
  • the family of the boy goes to the house of the lady to meet up with the family for a formal proposal of marriage

As mentioned above the word "Panik" in tagalog means going up or climb up the flight of stairs. And this technically mean entering or visiting the family. But really in this culture it is where the groom would speak out his intentions to the parents. And the parents of that groom or family members coming with him stands to attest that his intentions are true. 

What happens during a Pamanhikan

There is food to share usually this is done at night but of course depends on everyone's free time, nowadays you can have it anytime of the day even on a restaurant. The highlight of it all: The conversation. 

What is there to talk about?

  • Location of the Wedding, Budget, Who pays for who 
  • Who would be the wedding party, Sponsors and who will be invited
  • Who pays for what
  • Where the couple would live after marriage
  • What happens if this happens and what if this happens

Usually the Groom's family brings food to the house of the Bride. But since Filipinos are very hospitable the Bride also prepares meal for her future in-laws while the other also brings something for the brides family.


So, What do you think? Your comment inspires me to write more. Thank you!

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