5 Wedding Mistake to Avoid - Wedding 101 and Do It Yourself Wedding Planning

Sunday, January 13, 2019

5 Wedding Mistake to Avoid

Hello my beautiful Brides!

Today we want to talk about the 5 wedding planning mistakes to avoid in your wedding. This is such a big event in your life and you don't want to look back and feel bad. So here are top 5 mistakes to avoid

5. High Expectation and low Expectation

High Expectation that you become a Bridezilla and your Groom thinks of backing away. Calm down and be realistic. As women I know that we grew up to a fairytale that when your knight and shining armor comes we live happily ever and the wedding signals that but that's not reality. Problems will arise after marriage and something might go wrong on the event which would be minor and that's just life. Don't go for a wedding so grand that you end up feeling like a failure. Again be realistic with your wedding event turnout.

At the same time there are brides who are just whatever with the event. They say that they don't really care how much it would turnout. But really sweetie its your wedding. You might as well go ahead and enjoy the chaos of planning rather than thinking back and wishing what you could have done about it.

4. No Checklist and No Time Line

Time is Gold. Cannot be recovered once lost. So make the most of it. Get a Checklist with timeline with an excess time for adjustments.

Allow yourself to take time and not rush choosing your team: Caterers, Photographer,  Videographer, Make-up artists etc... 

The same goes to your preferred venues and church. Some needs to be booked a year ahead. And that's not even an assurance you will get the time slot you expect.

3. Not Setting a Budget

A budget is necessary to avoid financial problems at the beginning of your wedding. It is also somewhat your testing ground on how you and fiance will act upon your finances as you go along. Having a budget range instead of an exact amount is more realistic. Lets say $50,000-60,000 or $100,000-120,000. Depending on what you can afford.

2. Not getting a Professional Photographer and Video Coverage

You can have the wedding of your dreams but without a professional photographer to capture the moment this could be wasted when you want to look back. When looking for a photographer or videographer make sure you meet them in person, get a receipt with your down payment and you should see their actual office or atleast a viable website. Make sure and avoid being scammed.

1. Not being intentional and Not inviting Christ in your marriage. 

Sure there is divorce when you don't get this right. There is annulment or there is separation. But come on lets get this right. You will fight along the way and there would be lots of make ups. But it would be worth it being intentional in the beginning that you want this person to be the one you are with for the rest of your life. So you need to be whole on this decision. I hope you took your time to get to know your fiance and really 100% sure that you are looking forward to spend the rest of your life with him/her.

So that's it. You are good to go. On the day itself little adjustments might happen but it won't really matter much. Enjoy your wedding day!

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